Mazix Home





Hi! I am Mazíx Mahalêl,

Advanced Energetics® Master & Founder of the Quantum Multi-Dimensional Transformation Academy, Mentor, Guide, Teacher, and QMT Facilitator.

For the last 10 years I have been supporting visionaries multipreneurs, leaders of leaders to radically transform their lives, clearing from the root blocks, patterns, experiences and traumas they have been experiencing for years, sometimes even decades of their life, holding them back from the life they dream to have, experiencing authentic liberation from programming that doesn’t serve them anymore, feeling deep connection -like never before - with those they love, and a having greater impact in their life, businesses and the world.

I am known as...

Magick, Miracle Worker, Soul Doula, Divine Gifts Activator and The Wizard of wizards as high achieving leaders come to me with issues they have tried to break from with many coaches, healers, shamans, plant medicines and therapists and only when they receive my support have been able to breakthrough.

The reason why I am here is…

To help build the new world and the way we are meant to do it, it is not at all in the way we have done it. I know it. You know it. My mission is to support you, in raising your frequency, to where you are operating all the time from love or above, where your presence & beingness actually creates 10x the impact you are here to do. That’s how we transform this planet.

And the reason why you have come across this is…

Because you are ready to experience real and everlasting breakthroughs, because your Soul is calling you to experience what is possible for you, “the impossible to your mind”: more love, more abundance, more impact, more success with ease, in peace, in joy,” something you are destined for.

This is why you are here.

You are here to RADIATE.

And experience all of you.

You are here because you are ready to experience…

Authentic Freedom.

Everlasting pure love.

The Divine Pouring into you.

Your Divine Gifts fully unleashed.

Higher frequency relationships.

More abundance, success and wealth.

Extraordinary You.

The New World.

Reviews: Hear What Mazix's Clients Have to Say

"She held the most sacred space for me, allowing for vulnerability and deep exploration of ancestral patterns. Being able to let go of the nagging feeling of low self worth was freeing."

Natalia Levey

"Working with Mazix has been absolutely transformative. She has an ability to connect with your soul in a way that I never experienced before."

Rosalie Berrtos

"I highly recommend MaZíX to anyone who is looking for a compassionate, skilled guide on their spiritual journey and creating magick in their lives. She is an absolute pleasure to work with and has my highest endorsement."

James Orsulak

"My ability to feel passion, joy and become truly magnetic, has expanded tenfold! But what’s more important is to see these changes spill into my family and my clients, whom I truly cherish."

Veena Sidhu

The RADIANCE MENTORING is for you because…

  • You are a high achieving new world leader, making 6, 7 & 8 figures that know you are here for MORE and are not willing to compromise AT ALL what you desire, the next level of success, abundance, love, impact to have them realize with ease.
  • You are DONE with achieving what you desire the hard way, pushing through resistance, done with others telling you it is not possible for you and are ready to rise being and feeling fully supported, by everyone around you.
  • You are ready to FEEL Unstoppable because let’s be real, in reality you already are, but from now on you want to keep achieving in joy, flow, in bliss, deeply connected to yourself, to your Higher Self.
  • You are ready to find the missing link that you have been searching for, the one that has you in a never ending healing loop, seeking for the next modality, the next guru, the next shaman, the next psychic, the next plant medicine ceremony.
  • You know operating and leading from the frequency of love is what is truly going to bring the new world and you are ready to go from tools & processes that help you tune into it to actually fully feel it, be it, embody and emanate it for greater and unparalleled impact.
  • You are ready to collapse old timelines, clear and dissolve old templates, blueprints and archetypes from the 3D reality that don’t serve you anymore and upgrade ALL of your quantum field and matrix to support you in your Ascension process.
  • You are ready to clear from your life permanently core feelings keeping you in drama, pain and struggle, like “something is wrong/off with me”, fear of being judged, being super critical of yourself, feeling like a fraud and not enough, burning out, trying to constantly prove yourself, and so much more density that you have been carrying all of your life.
  • You are in a prime position and are decisive in receiving and embodying your most POWERFUL and authentic self to accelerate the manifestation of your dreamed life.
  • You are ready to know how to manage your divine gifts (empath, clairs, alchemist, transmutator, etc), upgrade where needed and feel empowered in how you use them and how you get to live with them for the most blissful and magickal life.
  • You have exceptional Divine Gifts, magick, and intuition that you have been cultivating and are ready to awaken the next level of them to unleash more of your infinite potential to support a magickal life and help others in their path.
  • You have been craving extraordinary relationships that are conscious, elevated, deeply connected, loving and supportive, true ascended relationships. You are ready for your relationships to reflect who you truly are.
  • You want it all because it is part of your Soul expansion, because you are ready to fully show to the world how extraordinary you are from a place of truth, not ego, from a place of wholeness, from a place of love.
  • You are someone that like to collapse time in achieving what you desire hence you look for a Master on all of this to guide you - not do it for you - a Master that really knows how things work in the Quantum - the realm of creation - a Master on Advanced Energetics that can guide you to embody your next level steady and constantly, someone that does this in her sleep, someone that is a natural at this, someone that can guide you so deep where you have never gone before because she has done it for herself, and someone that guides you into connecting with your inner Source, someone that doesn’t play spiritual authority with you, someone that will guide you non stop to connect with your truth.

I am a Master in all of this. I have guided over 600 clients in a private setting and over 9000 in a group setting and this is why I have created this mentoring.

No matter what is keeping you from your next level,

I know in my Soul how to guide you.

My guaranteed promise is...

That you will go through such a radical transformation, you will feel so different that you won’t even recall what you were dealing with, even though you may have been experiencing those blocks for decades - if not lifetimes..

You will feel so liberated that your life will start to reflect that in a very obvious way.

You will feel potent. Joyful. Whole. Love

Your most close relationships will feel full of true love.

You will attract incredible opportunities into your life.

Money will flow more to you.

The path to realize your vision will clear up.

Like so many clients I have served throughout the years have:

Elevated their relationships

  • Repaired relationships with their parents and siblings, even though they never thought anything will ever change as their parents were very set in their ways.
  • Experiencing true love and authentic connection with their parents even though the relationship was never there before
  • Feeling more connected to their kids, feeling more love for them and being more present with them, totally ditching guilt for working on their business or for following their path
  • Ditching any feelings about divorce and awakening adoration, passion and connection with their partners/spouses
  • Calling in their Divine Union partner and experience passion, love, understanding, support and adoration, like never before in any of their past relationships
  • The challenged relationship with their business partners and team members became effortless and full of understanding and peace
  • Attracting higher frequency connections and relationships of like minded, drama free, based on deep connection, intimacy, support and higher impact.

Heal, Grown and Expand

  • Clearing ancestral and ancient wounds, paralyzing traumas they were not even aware they had, persistent patterns attracting difficulties to them in the way they feel about themselves, their relationships and/or their business allowing them to feel finally free and whole
  • Being complete with the waves of burning out, chaos, drama, overwhelm and starting to calibrate their nervous system, getting out of fight or flight mode and creating from cup full, alignment, joy and peace.
  • Connecting with their Higher Self and learning to be guided by their truth, collapsing the need to consult psychics or shamans to know what’s true for them
  • Minimizing their inner judge, dissolving the illusion of not enough, evolving the perfectionist in them, and collapsing the need to perform to finally recognizing and feel their value manifested in getting paid more and asking more for their services
  • Stopping self doubt, clearing all gaslighting, and finally dissolving the “something is missing” energy, upgrading their intuition and learning to trust themselves like never before
  • Getting out of the cycle of being a victim of their gifts, upgrading them and honing their gifts so they are leading their gifts - not the other way around.
  • Allowing themselves to receive the next level of their unique Divine Gifts to help more people in their mission
  • Leading by following energy, learning to differentiate high frequencies from lower, learning to really work in alignment with Source and their Divine purpose and mission
  • Coming back to their body to experience their full power and BE the true force of nature they are, and getting more stuff done from a place of flow
  • Opening their heart more and experiencing more love, and receiving more! Like gifts from strangers, or opportunities to create more businesses and increase their income and of course more love from those close to them
  • Getting out of the need to protect themselves and the illusion that others are trying to keep them small, are against them, or haters are going to hate and step into a reality where actually everyone around them supports them even those that were showing opposition before

Receive more with ease

  • Business increases, their income 3x
  • Called to partner or join forces with companies to support big projects to revolutionize the planet
  • Get out of overworking and stress to relaxation, flow, more time for themselves and actually create more companies, so they bring a higher income working less
  • Stepping even more into their Divine mission


Here is a CASE STUDY to give you a deeper understanding

Sylvie D., Investor, Author, Serial Entrepreneur

*To honor my client’s privacy the name and photo has been changed.*

From exhausted to UNSTOPPABLE

Sylvie is a successful entrepreneur, an author, investor and a serial entrepreneur. We met at a dinner party and we felt an immediate connection. After hanging out a few times she saw how lit up & turned on to life & relationships I am and asked for support with a major problem that was persisting in her life.

While she had achieved so much success in her businesses and had an amazing inner circle, she was struggling romantically with men in disappointment after disappointment.

She kept attracting men that would pursue her, wine & dine her and then once the relationship started they would gaslight her and withdraw. She kept asking herself, ”Why!? Why does this keep happening?”, growing in frustration and hopelessness leading to a drain in her vital life force resulting in a lack of energy and enthusiasm for life.

She desperately tried to break this pattern with hypnotherapy, shamanic journeys, plant ceremonies, healers, yet nothing changed. The feeling of “what is wrong with me?” was growing stronger & interfering more and more with her energy, flow & creativity. Finally she resolved to, “Is this really what life is going to look like with men, big passion, big pain & then another disappointment? Then I am done with them.”

The trauma she was experiencing with romantic partner after romantic partner led her to go into self criticism, self abandonment & isolation hiding from all social encounters. She was second guessing herself, questioning her desires

and even becoming more critical of relationships. She was at the end of her rope asking the Divine for help, then we connected & began her QMT™ journey with me (Quantum Multidimensional Transformational™ Method created by Mazix)

In just our 3 months together she…

  • Went from feeling at her end’s wit, and being drained, to be full of life and feeling so potent and unstoppable!
  • Clear all the way to the root her father wounding around not feeling wanted that kept being played in her romantic relationships
  • Her clairvoyant vision really amped up
  • The relationship with her mother and daughter went from distant to deeply connected
  • Attracted amazing opportunities to increase her business
  • Went from hopeless feeling around being with another man to experiencing a beautiful deep connection with a man
  • Learn to really listen and honor her body
  • Started to trust her intuition and her word again
  • Clear all the sexual trauma her subconscious and unconscious was still holding even though she “had healed that”
  • Release so much trauma from ALL of her bodies that kept attracting over and over the same experiences with men
  • Went from living numb and disconnected from herself, to fully feeling her value
  • Started to listen and honor her NOs and YESes.
  • Heal and open her heart and open to receive more love, experience feeling loved
  • Started to experience absolute peace
  • Heal and evolve her distorted masculine that kept leading the way creating the opposite effect in her romantic relationships

In her words...

“I couldn't believe that after a lifetime of working on myself I had SO much work to do. It was a bit shocking how much density and stuck energy I was able to uncover and clear. I have never experienced a quantum shift of this magnitude in this lifetime and likely others - since we cleared about 800 years of trauma that had embedded in my system. I have experienced a kind of liberation - like being unchained, freedom, access to so much of my potential that I have felt almost manic in how much I am able to get done when accessing the full spectrum of my being”.

"She has truly changed my life"

Sherra Stevanus


Veena Sidhu of Mind Valley Testimonial

"She’s Led Me Closer To My Purpose"

"My ability to feel passion, joy and become truly magnetic, has expanded tenfold! But what’s more important is to see these changes spill into my family and my clients, whom I truly cherish."

Veena Sidhu


Natalia Levey Testimonial

“I was able to release self-doubt”

“The depth of Mazix’s soulful insights is astonishing. I felt like she held the most sacred space for me, allowing for vulnerability and deep exploration of ancestral patterns. Being able to let go of the nagging feeling of low self worth was freeing.”

Natalia Levey


"Her guidance is more profound than any other work I’ve ever done in my entire life … COMBINED!"

Anastasia Dadashpour


Angela Legh Avery Testimonial

“I am more connected to my heart and more open!”

"What would it be like to love unconditionally? To let go of all triggers, all expectations, all fears?

Mazix’s powerful immersion set me on the path to loving unconditionally, loving myself & loving others. I was able to tap into Christ consciousness and I have begun my journey to loving unconditionally all of the time."

Angela Legh Avery

Elizabeth Culp Testimonial Excerpt

“Each time I work with Mazix it gets better and better!”

"Mazix makes you feel like you can fly and personally made me realize how amazing personal growth is!"

Elizabeth Culp


Famira Green Testimonial Excerpt

"Mazix Helped Usher Me Into A Place Of Overflowing Joy"

"Trust me I get it…. I always felt that this “spiritual activation stuff” worked for others but not me. I want you to know I FELT the shift….I witnessed the damn break allowing all that I’ve desired to flow in…It can happen for you too!"

Famira Green


The Quantum Multidimensional Transformation® Method

Since my very beginnings, 10 years ago, my Soul has guided me, showing me methodologies, processes, and tools that I and others need for their Radical Transformation. While I joined others in learning their modalities or ways of healing, I realized that I was already using many of those processes in my practice. Most of the time, I was delving deeper than what others were teaching.

Combining all of my soul's wisdom, what I have learned from others, especially through my inner work, and the knowledge acquired from over thousands of sessions I have facilitated, the Quantum Multidimensional Transformation® Method was born.

The QMT® Method is a revolutionary, transformative all inclusive approach where that focus is to go beyond healing, and beyond the current circumstances. It is about finding the root cause of what is creating the current reality, often rooted in another lifetime and uprooting it and clearing all aspects of the self: mental, emotional, physical, energetic and throughout the Quantum, including the subconscious and unconscious. Through this process the person feels radically different, hence experiencing a different reality.

While this method involves deep subconscious and unconscious work, breathing amongst other processes, it has been designed to support the evolution of the Soul and facilitate a true frequency upgrade.

My focus is on helping my clients complete patterns and lessons they have been experiencing for lifetimes so they can truly be free and fully unleash their creative potential.

Unlike anything you have ever experienced...

This is a co-creative experience. I work with your Soul and your Higherself and we go into all the places that I KNOW and SEE are holding illusions in you, thanks to my omniclair gifts.

I guide you. I don't do it for you only, we do it together. This is crucial in my work, because my work on this planet is not about me being your Guru or your healer but to truly be a powerful Guide and a mirror of you can’t see and help you collapse old systems within you separating you from accessing your true potential and the realization of what you desire to bring to this world.

What you experience is so different because I address all of your beingness. Most modalities only address 1 to 3 areas, mental, energetic, emotions, or subconscious and the unconscious, or most focus on healing only. I address it all for your most radical transformation.

This is why my clients experience true transformation in a matter of months and not years.


There are 3 containers to choose from depending on how deep and expansive you'd like to go together.


3 Months

This journey is a way to start to collapse and dissolve what is holding you from feeling unstoppable.


6 Months

This journey all about your liberation journey. Expect a different way of feeling and being. You will feel different, and your reality will reflect that.


6 Months

This journey includes VIP Immersion days with me and a group retreat with other private clients. The focus of this time together is in your quantum leap.

The ideal to experience a radical transformation in you and in your life is 6 months of support to start with.

As a high achieving new world leader, I know you have a big vision and desire full support in the alignment and realization of your vision with ease, so I know more than likely you desire 1 to even 2 years of support, no worries, I got you! This is something we can discuss in our alignment call after all, many of my clients have stayed with me for even longer than that.

Following you will see in detail what each container is about so you can make an intuitive and informed decision.

If you have further questions, feel free to emails us at

Investment Begins $20k - $35k



Experience a quantum leap, where who you were before is but a distant meamory, and the problems you were dealing with all of your life are nonexistent, truly feeling unstoppable and stepping into living your dream life.

Because in this container we spend days together, we go for the extraordinary. You will feel who you are, your full potential, and awakening your capacity to receive more of your power, to Be and have more, to show up in your truth. In this time we truly collapse old timelines and calibrate you to be in a higher frequency reality.

  • Quantum Shifts
  • Ascension of Ego
  • Ending Karmic Loops
  • Experience Your True self
  • You feel different, more at peace, feel renewed.
  • Rebirth
  • Soul Upgrades
  • Collapsing Old Timelines
  • Relationships Improve
  • Embodiment of yourself
  • Manifestations show up



  • M-F Private Messaging support
  • Magick Care Package

(VALUE $19,308)



  • Quantum Foundation 9 Week Program
  • Deep Space Clearing
  • Quantum Clearing & Alignment
  • Breakthrough to Freedom Experience: From Drama to Divine Creation

(VALUE $3,550)



  • Group Immersion OR Group Retreat
  • 2 Day Private Immersion with MaZíX

(VALUE $20,777)



  • Energy Cleanse with Morgane Rose
  • Emotional Body Code with Kate Simpson
  • Activating Your Genius - Genekey Session w/ Oz
  • Power of Love - Genekey Session w/ Oz
  • Pearl of Prosperity - Genekey Session w/ Oz

(VALUE $2,997)

Investment Begins $20k - $35k



In this container you experience a quantum jump where we collapse your old reality, you experience an identity shift and from it your reality starts to be different because you are different.

Say bye to the feeling that something is missing, that there is something off with you, and stop looping and seeking non stop healing and healing. In this container we clear thousands of years of traumas and experiences governed by struggle, drama and resistance. And help you remember and activate your next version, your next level.

  • Quantum Shifts
  • Ascension of Ego
  • Ending Karmic Loops
  • Experience Your True self
  • You feel different, more at peace, feel renewed.
  • Rebirth
  • Soul Upgrades
  • Collapsing Old Timelines
  • Relationships Improve
  • Embodiment of yourself
  • Manifestations show up



  • M-F Private Messaging support
  • Magick Care Package

(VALUE $19,308)



  • Quantum Foundation 9 Week Program
  • Deep Space Clearing
  • Quantum Clearing & Alignment
  • Breakthrough to Freedom Experience: From Drama to Divine Creation

(VALUE $3,550)



  • Energy Cleanse with Morgane Rose
  • Emotional Body Code with Kate Simpson
  • Activating Your Genius - Genekey Session w/ Oz
  • Power of Love - Genekey Session w/ Oz

(VALUE $2,220)

Investment Begins $20k - $35k



This container is about clearing the path towards how you want to feel and the realization of your desires.

The KEY on this container is CLEARING. Clearing your vessel of blocks, repetitive patterns and traumas hindering the manifestation of what you most desire.

In this container is where we clear ‘big time’ your Soul’s baggage.

By the end of our time together, you will see significant positive changes in yourself, FEEL A LOT more LIBERATED, and you will see NEW OPPORTUNITIES arrive as well as your relationships will have improved.

  • Quantum Shifts
  • Dissolution of Ego
  • Ending Karmic Loops
  • Experience Your True self
  • You feel different, more at peace, feel renewed.



  • M-F Private Messaging support
  • Magick Care Package

(VALUE $10,093)



  • Quantum Foundation 9-Week Program
  • Deep Space Clearing
  • Quantum Clearing & Alignment

(VALUE $1,763)



  • Energy Cleanse with Morgane Rose
  • Activating Your Genius - Genekey Session w/ Oz

(VALUE $1,110)

Investment Begins $20k - $35k








7 x 90 Min

12 x 120 Min

10 x 120 Min

M-F Private Messaging support

Length of Program

3 Months

6 Months

6 Months





Quantum Foundation 9 Week Program

Deep Space Clearing

Quantum Clearing & Alignment

Daily Manifestation Practices

Private Ancestral Library

Breakthrough to Freedom Experience





Energy Cleanse with Morgane Rose

Emotional Body Code with Kate Simpson

Activating Your Genius - Genekey Session w/ Oz

Power of Love - Genekey Session w/ Oz

Pearl of Prosperity - Genekey Session w/ Oz



Group Immersion OR Group Retreat

2 Day Private Immersion with MaZíX

Payment plans are available.

* Prices are subject to regular increases

Results Disclaimer

As I have mentioned, my guarantee is your radical transformation when you join for at least 6 months of private support. I have seen clients that in a little bit over 3 months they experienced radical transformation, however, I have also seen that happen after 9 months.

Radical transformation meaning, YOU WILL FEEL RADICALLY DIFFERENT.

The results I have shared with you are from clients I have worked with in different lengths of time but mostly 6 months or more.

Truth is we don’t know how many layers are in the way of you experiencing your most powerful self and your most amazing life, regardless you will experience massive shifts from our very first session.

Now for the practical results in your reality, you will see them, how long and how it will show up, we won’t know. So I can’t promise any results on what will show up in your outer reality.

Once again, what I promise is that YOU will FEEL Different. And the longer we do this the more you will experience who you truly are and your authentic power and your life will look radically different because you are.

Hi love! MaZíX Mahalêl here! Mentor, Guide, and Extraordinary Wizard supporting high achieving new world leaders liberating themselves from distortions and embodying their most authentic and powerful version aligning with their highest timeline: aka dream life.

James Orsulak Testimonial

“Her ability to help me recognize my own strengths and potential has been transformative”

"I highly recommend MaZíX to anyone who is looking for a compassionate, skilled guide on their spiritual journey and creating magick in their lives. She is an absolute pleasure to work with and has my highest endorsement."

James Orsulak


Rosalie Berrtos Testimonial Excerpt

"I was able to see major shifts in my marriage."

"Working with Mazix has been absolutely transformative. She has an ability to connect with your soul in a way that I never experienced before."

Rosalie Berrtos


"I can find clients easier and run my business without holding back!"

“I could not feel emotion and never really “knew” my divine connection. Now I can process emotions, enjoy meditations and actually feel the energy happening around me and within me when we are shifting things…”

Priscilla Stanley


"Mazix is an absolute YES, Infinite Yes!"


You are ready for radical transformation!

Ashley Vernick Testimonial

“Mazix Helps Me Get To New Levels ALL the time!”

"In my 6 months with Mazix, not only was I able to fill my coaching practice, but I am no longer paralyzed by fear. My gifts are expanding every week and my ability to help my clients is continuously deepening."

Ashley Vernick


Audrey Ellyce Testimonial

“Radiantly empowered in my own Godliness”

"For something as layered and complex as unraveling a lifetime of beliefs, patterns, blocks, fears, and traumas, MaZiX uses her gift to seamlessly navigate us back to our truth."

Audrey Ellyce


Susannah Campora Testimonial

“I am trusting my soul and walking in my purpose!”

“Everything I thought, desired, and hoped for, happened with Mazix’s private mentoring. I went from judging myself, to loving myself more fully. From being aware of the patterns stopping me and feeling powerless to them, to having my power finally shift and transmute as they arise within me with more ease”

Susannah Campora


Olga Abreu Testimonial

"Mazix Teased My 'True Me' Out Of Me!"

"Mazix totally pushed my boundaries. Always showed the bigger, better version of me. Literally teased my “true me” out of me. It’s been a wild journey, a roller-coaster of emotions, but so worth it."

Olga Abreu


Julie Lerner Schmit Testimonial

"My Ability To Feel Passion, Joy And Become Truly Magnetic, Has Expanded Tenfold!"

"My ability to feel passion, joy and become truly magnetic, has expanded tenfold! But what’s more important is to see these changes spill into my family and my clients, whom I truly cherish."

Julie Lerner Schmit


Angela Legh Testimonial

“I am happy, I am confident, and I am ready to take on the world!”

“If you yearn for a deep soul connection, or if you need deep emotional healing, Mazix will guide you on your path to wholeness.”

Angela Legh


Angie Kraft Testimonial

“I successfully started my new business!”

“Mazix taught me how to believe in myself, to REALLY believe in myself and that everything is possible.”

Angie Kraft


“Mazix held the most magical space”

"I left knowing I am a sovereign Being who lives life on my terms with love no matter what shows up."

Allen Atkinson


Caely-Ann McNabb Testimonial

"I learnt so much about myself"

"I’ve met my true love, quit my secure job of 11 years, and am moving to a new city to have new experiences and focus on my healing practice."

Caely-Ann McNabb


"I'm no longer faking being happy"

"If you want quantum leaps, that’s what you’ll get and that’s what she specializes in, that’s what I wanted and so she’s changed my life and I knew that would happen because we met at exactly the right time."

Wendy Herman


Sonja Guina Testimonial

"My life is so different now I can't even recall what I was like"

"Thank you for everything. It feels good to rise further with you. You are a life changer. Thank you for taking that role and leading us further!"

Sonja Guina


Joan Kift Testimonial

"You Inspire Me To Greatness!"

"The way she holds space for me and the commitment she shows towards my growth is a testimony to the person she is."

Joan Kift


Viknesvari Testimonial

"Mazix Has Been My Soul Doula And A Piece Of Who I Really Am, Returned Back To Me"

"Mazix is a powerful soul, who dares to call you out on your B.S. She calls it as she sees it. She is not here to let you play small or to pitter patter through your healing journey. Mazix, together with her team, guides you to become more of who you really are."



Kate Simpson Testimonial

"Sending so much love and gratitude to you Mazix!"

"It’s been two months since my session with you and I am still amazed at the difference your healing has made in my life.

What you did for me absolutely changed me at the very core of my being. After 2 months, I still feel completely different. I feel at ease with life. I feel abundant. I feel a sense of calm that I had never experienced before working with you.

I feel my ability to heal others is at a new level.

I have done a lot of self-care and self-healing that has helped me so much, but working with you, Mazix was a quantum leap for me. I have this inner knowing and a renewed sense of worth that is just so hard to put into words. It’s a feeling, It’s my identity.

I see who I am at my core and it is so good.

Thank you for this group, for your time, for sharing your wisdom and for helping me level up! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

Kate Simpson


"I am now back on track with my life’s purpose

Mazix is an insightful and powerful healer."

"I went to her to locate and remove some deep inner blocks that were making it difficult for me to focus on important goals in my life.

She skillfully located these deep-seated issues, lifted the hold they had on my body and gave me some tools to help me continue the work on my own.

I not only felt refreshed and more energetic, but those issues no longer haunt me, and I am now back on track with my life’s purpose. Highly recommended!”"

Chris Guleff


“To top it all off, MORE money is showing up faster than expected!”

“What I am experiencing with Mazix is total human transformation. We’re healing so many things, which allows me to release fears, beliefs, and things that subconsciously hold me back…”

Moriah Rader


Britt Nemeth Testimonial

“You Will Not Regret It”

"My favorite and most profound takeaway was that change can happen in an instant. Mazix’s contagious energy and loving expression of life is imbued into everything she does."

Britt Nemeth


Kelley Sample Testimonial

"I had the biggest shift in my life!"

“I look forward to doing more guided journeys with Mazix and would recommend anyone wanting to make huge shifts in their energy and life to just do it!”

Kelley Sample


The world needs you to show up powerfully!

Kristen Lund Testimonial

“It’s just amazing how good you will feel in your skin.”

"You will be so proud of yourself. You will feel so grateful. It’s just amazing how good you will feel in your skin. It is just so worth it to work with Mazix."

Kristen Lund


"She has truly changed my life"


Nancy Anger Testimonial

"I Gained Clarity Around My Own Powerful Life’s Mission"

"I am so grateful to her for guidance and presence and everything that she contributed in my path. If you feel called to walk the journey with her, do not hesitate in joining her, do it for you, do it for your Soul."

Nancy Anger


Debbie Hagedorn Testimonial

"I love you, Mazix!"

"Mazix has been a teacher for me from the very beginning of my journey to embody all of who I truly am. Her work is exceptional. If you are wanting to take big leaps instead of hopping along or staying stuck, you are in the right space."

Debbie Hagedorn

Ashley Avinashi Testimonial

"I Am Honored To Know Mazix In This Lifetime"

"After our time together I felt greater ease, flow, trust, allowance, connection to soul and my deepest purpose."

Ashley Avinashi


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Mazix has a vision to reach grow her audience and influence exponentially by sharing her unique & magickal gifts with this world. Did you know that Mazix created an affiliate program as a win-win to give back generously to those who love & support her work? You can now earn commissions promoting Mazix's events, programs and 1on1 sessions! Just click the link below to register and you'll receive links to begin promoting right away!


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We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only.